Focus & Scope
The "JURNAL PAPATUNG: Journal of Public Administration, Government, and Politics" is an open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly publication. JURNAL PAPATUNG serves as a conduit for disseminating theoretical research findings and studies within the realms of Government, Politics, and Public Administration. This journal is meticulously managed by GoAcademica Research and Publishing , e-issn: 2715-0186 .
While the primary focus of JURNAL PAPATUNG is on the fields of Public Administration, Government, and Politics, it maintains an inclusive and interdisciplinary approach. The journal welcomes and considers submissions from related fields of study, recognizing the interconnected nature of knowledge and the value of diverse perspectives.
JURNAL PAPATUNG is committed to providing the best service to its contributors and readers. Recognizing the importance of promptly disseminating high-quality scientific discoveries to the public, the journal has streamlined its publication process. On average, articles are published within 15 days, ensuring that valuable research findings are shared with the community in a timely manner.
JURNAL PAPATUNG is dedicated to fostering intellectual discourse and innovation by providing a platform for the exploration of critical issues in public administration, governance, and politics. It encourages rigorous research and robust theoretical analysis, aiming to contribute to the understanding and development of these fields. The journal's commitment to academic excellence and scholarly integrity is reflected in the quality of the articles it publishes, each of which contributes to the broader discourse on public administration, government, and politics.
Submit your manuscripts today! (in English/ Bahasa) through our online system. The authors should refer to Jurnal Papatung: JAPP Author Guidelines in writing the manuscript.
The authors are also encouraged to use Mendeley Citation Manager or Zotero in writing the manuscript.
Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation.
The Editor shall inform you of the results of the review as soon as possible, hopefully in 1 weeks.